Supply and Demand

“Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.”– Micah 6:8

Right now, whether in populated cities or rural America, the fight against domestic sex trafficking is bringing awareness to the masses. Rightly, the Christian community is taking up this cause to bring justice and stop the epidemic. Glory! Jesus commands that we rescue and be His hands and feet!

But… compassion for the victim is not enough.

It is not enough to rescue victims alone. Jesus rescues everyone in the equation. Yet, no one, not the sex addict, offender or rescue can clearly see Jesus in their darkness. Each needs Christ’s body, the Church, to be “Jesus with skin on” to come alongside them speaking truth in love to their strongholds, proud arguments, those wounding core issues that blind their eyes and harden their hearts.

Although compassion for the rescue comes easy, the Church is fooling itself if we think this alone will stop the problem. Unless we address the “Demand,” both inside and outside the Church, our incomplete efforts will not be enough to stop
the epidemic.

Why haven’t we stepped forward to address the “Demand”?

A Kelton research study stated that “60% of Americans would be willing to bend morals and standards to live a more fascinating life.” Since BARNA reports that 85% of Americans identify themselves as Christians this lack of vision and purpose is equally revealing as it is disturbing. Christians should be experiencing a full and gratifying life, one that is safe to share the “word of their testimony” (Rev. 12:10) and comfort the way they were comforted (2 Cor. 1:4).

Perhaps the body of Christ doesn’t feel safe to be real.

According to Christianity Today, only 12% of churches offer any form of sexual addiction ministry. FORGIVEN MUCH MINISTRIES proposes this solution.

• Address sexual addiction and the lack of trauma/core issue recovery in the church.
• Establish biblical and clinical recovery foundations.
• Equip believers to minister with a confidence of literacy on core issue addiction recovery and group dynamics.
• Empower and mobilize believers to serve out of their testimony and make a difference in their generation.

FORGIVEN MUCH MINISTRIES, founded in 2007, is a Christ-centered training ministry called to speak about sexual addiction and mobilize leaders to plant and sustain safe, core issue recovery support groups within the Church.

Can you make a difference? What happens if we do nothing?

“Evil flourishes when good men do nothing” – E. Burke. This message isn’t for pacified, middle of the road Christians, but for those who crave the full throttle, sold out, all chips in the middle life that Jesus taught. These people know in their gut that they’re called to much more and they’re ready. They sense God calling them up to the next level and they want an extraordinarily satisfied, thrillingly gratified life bad enough to risk the opinion of others. I invite you to join us, to make a difference, being “Jesus with skin on” to the least of these in our day.

Get involved, support this work and watch God move!

Prayer covering, manpower and financial support are needed in the following areas to fulfill this call to ministry:

• Collaborative partners to implement compassionate ministry to rescues, addicts and offenders
• Provide networking connections into the Christian community
• Financial support – Much of the work of FMM is free to educate and raise up leaders.   May the Lord prompt hearts to support this work!

Join us, may God be glorified by the word of our testimony!